
The Beat Kitchen

There was no PCOW Sunday because I only went to (technically) one show last week.

Well, tonight was the first ChUC show at The Beat Kitchen. Buscemi started off hosting duties and Tony Sam took over after a little bit.


Andy Ross reminded us that there was a theme to the show: Musical instruments. So, he pretended a hollow tube was a guitar, bass, didjeridu, and banjo.

Tony Sam, hosting.

Something rare: Getting a few good sequences and getting some still shots of Vatterot. The man moves around so much, it's hard to capture his face.

Never a chore to shoot Flannery:

I spoke out of turn during Holmes' set and got called out. Blame it on the Guiness, muh'dear.

Hated the reddish lighting, figured out a way to fix it (slightly, barely, hardly). Opted to shoot in black and white all night.

While everyone was in the front room having drinks and chats, Tony and the boys had a little staff meeting of sorts. I snapped a quick pic while I was grabbing my coat.

Somehow, I think the Beat Kitchen can't be funny unless a bunch of guys are in the back playing music with toys. Even then, the kids there take it seriously.
Hopefully, we can make it funny. Or as Bridenstine says, we'll grow to love it.
And not in that "ironic" way.

I feel like the only one that liked the grungy charm of it all (except for the permanent pee smell in the bathrooms).
We just have to be positive about these things. You cant bring up the idea of a room dying, otherwise it will happen. I guess it's like a jinx. Keep it off your mind and out of the show.

Something uncomical:
After I got home, I walked around the block for some air and I saw (heard, rather) a horrible car accident. My back was to the entire thing, but a couple walking a little further behind me witnessed it. I heard an annoying stereo blasting some loud garbage-sounds and then Long-squeal-crash-glass-break-noise.
Apparently, the guy "took the corner too hard" and flipped over onto his side and into a parked Saturn. That's a Jeep for you. The driver had to be taken to the hospital but the passenger climbed out totally alright. Strange. As the tow truck brought it back on all four wheels, the stereo started back up again and one of the tow truck men started dancing along to the music. While we were all standing there gawking, the driver of the Saturn came along with his two friends. He went up to one of the cops and said: "Uhhhh. That's my Saturn."
The poor guy seemed sweet and well-mannered. He probably has the cleanest driving record and the rear end of his car gets trashed when it's parked because some asshole has a speeding problem.
I was really tired and zoned out, so the entire thing felt like a dream. Even the pictures dont seem real.

I'm so glad I dont drive in the city.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weird. Last night, James and I had proclaimed yesterday as "Freaky Tuesday", cause everything seemed out of place and everything had a weird vibe to it. It also felt like it was the sort of night that people would get into car accidents everywhere. We were also not too far away from the Western brown line stop.

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really starting to believe that Tony Sam gets all his ideas from me.

http://edgecomedyshow.com/Shows___Line-ups.html Scroll down to the January 19th Kitty Moon Show that we set in motion the weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving. In fact I asked Tony and Ken to perform in it, so it's not like they just accidentally came up with the SAME EXACT theme as we did, or even themes in general.

http://www.centerstagechicago.com/theatre/shows/1494.html This was the show that Tony was featured on stage at in the Chicago Tribune a couple months before The Underground started. Underground Comedy Club- Chicago Underground Comedy? Suspiciously similar? YES!It is no loner running but for some reason they still list it.

I'm starting to see a pattern here.

Dave "I thought of that first you copycatting son of a bitch" Odd

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh also, did I mention the first ever Edge Comedy show was AT THE BEAT KITCHEN!


3:26 AM  

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