
48 Hour Comedy People

I went to ChUC tonight for the first time in ages. Faye hosted. It was chill.

As if this weekend didnt comedy me out enough, on top of tonight, Monday I went to Globe Gong Idol, which proved to be a little bizarre.

My battery died (I saw it coming this time) towards the middle of the show, so I really couldnt capture the best, strange moments. For instance, Jason Fever wearing a ski mask and setting up an Xbox 360 to play Guitar Hero on stage or Pat Brice making the audience feel very uncomfortable with his observations on what's wrong with "us" (the audience). Effing amazing.

ChUC saw the return of Nick Vatterot from his boat tour.

All the comedians seemed delighted to have him back.

Paul Thomas.

Andy Ross with no beard! Weird!

After the show, I shared a bus ride down Western with Buscemi and lil' Faye. We saw TJ Miller's doppelganger sitting in the back of the bus and we swore it could have been him. He had the same body language and smile and his hat was on sidey-ways. Totally weird. Faye and I tried making a trip to McDonald's but failed miserably as the lobby was closed and they dont allow people through the drive-thru on foot (like the Popeye's Allison Leber and I visited in D.C.).

ChUC tonight will probably be my last comedy show for a few weeks. I got alot going on, a wedding in Michigan this weekend and a trip to the Motherland the following weekend. I'm really bummed I'll miss the 50 First Jokes show Brido and McGowan are putting on. Hopefully I'll have other photo-taking opportunities though...
Look for it!


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