

Hey guys. It's me. "That girl that hangs out around shows. And takes really good pictures."

I was lucky enough to go to the Janeane Garofolo/Pat Oswalt show last night. Got there a bit late, was forced to sit in no man's land next to the Miserables. Mr. And Mrs. Miserable. He was gay. She was not. I'm sure she has no idea. They didnt laugh or smile. At anything. Awful. Terrible energy. I lost my lens cap and they didnt even budge when they saw I was struggling to reach underneath the seat.

I wasnt exactly happy with my images, but I guess I did ok considering where I was sitting (far).

John Mulaney opened!

I was pleasantly surprised, I didnt even know he was in town. He's adorable and I want to put him in my pocket.

There was a rather verbose lesbian heckler up front. She didnt want Janeane to leave the stage and kept screaming "DONT GO!" and "Where are you hanging out afterwards?!"
Patton ended up nicknaming her "Gravelpuss."

Patton was the hardest one to photograph, it always looks like his eyes are closed, he paces a bit and he was fasicnated by everything "Gravelpuss" and her "date" had to say so his back was to the area I was sitting in most of the time.

I think the people in front of me were getting mad that he wasnt doing any material. Seriously? How could you be mad about the perfect fodder!?! Who knows. Maybe he'll make a bit out of it.

Set up, Premise, Punchline, right?

Anyway. He ended up getting a standing ovate.

I got a ride home from Buscemi but only after we got a pint of Ben And Jerry's. We ate it in the car with flimsy plastic spoons. It was fun. I cant believe the show got out at 1:30 am! It went by so fast!

Oh yeah. And I pointed out Space Shuttle Atlantis and the Space Station to a bunch of improvisors while we were on a beer garden. It was cool.


48 Hour Comedy People

I went to ChUC tonight for the first time in ages. Faye hosted. It was chill.

As if this weekend didnt comedy me out enough, on top of tonight, Monday I went to Globe Gong Idol, which proved to be a little bizarre.

My battery died (I saw it coming this time) towards the middle of the show, so I really couldnt capture the best, strange moments. For instance, Jason Fever wearing a ski mask and setting up an Xbox 360 to play Guitar Hero on stage or Pat Brice making the audience feel very uncomfortable with his observations on what's wrong with "us" (the audience). Effing amazing.

ChUC saw the return of Nick Vatterot from his boat tour.

All the comedians seemed delighted to have him back.

Paul Thomas.

Andy Ross with no beard! Weird!

After the show, I shared a bus ride down Western with Buscemi and lil' Faye. We saw TJ Miller's doppelganger sitting in the back of the bus and we swore it could have been him. He had the same body language and smile and his hat was on sidey-ways. Totally weird. Faye and I tried making a trip to McDonald's but failed miserably as the lobby was closed and they dont allow people through the drive-thru on foot (like the Popeye's Allison Leber and I visited in D.C.).

ChUC tonight will probably be my last comedy show for a few weeks. I got alot going on, a wedding in Michigan this weekend and a trip to the Motherland the following weekend. I'm really bummed I'll miss the 50 First Jokes show Brido and McGowan are putting on. Hopefully I'll have other photo-taking opportunities though...
Look for it!


Weekend at The Spot.

There seems to be a very serious threat of me being discommunicated from the blogging community. A few people are kinda' pissed at me for not keeping up.

So, the weekend party marathon is over.
It started with the little show at the Lincoln Restaurant with Brady Novak hosting, Think Tank, Brido, CJ, Holmes, Eric Andre, Burns, Braunger, and 80's. Here are some favorites:

Eric Andre.

Mike Holmes as G-Carlo.

80's Clown.

It was a great show. It was the best; seeing those cats from NY and LA. Afterwards, we went over to Resi's, of course. Midnight, we celebrated K-rock's birthday with drinks and singing.

The entire time this weekend I alternately had "Funnin' Round In Clowny Town" and "Rosanna" stuck in my head.

The next day I had to work early and then rush over to Uptown to do a shoot with Tony Sam and about six other people for a project they're doing. I didnt want to upload the pictures onto Flickr for "copyright" reasons. I really need to get seperate, private hosting account so I can keep all my stuff and only allow certain people to view. Here are a couple I especially like...

There was an old foagie by the mural where we were shooting and I was prompted to take a picture of him. Check out Ol' Red and his ice:

Is that a charm bracelet?

After going home and uploading, being somewhat satisfied, I got ready and ran back to Uptown to The Spot for the Blerds party. Finally an event with every. single. Blerd. present. No camera. I was excited to take over photo duties with Kristy's little shooter, which was fine cause' I wanted to enjoy myself without worrying about my camera. My little compact is still being fixed anyway...

This is probably my favorite picture of the entire weekend:

Nothing special, just your typical "party" picture, but there's so much...life! Ahahha. Kinane.

I made the decision that Mark Vana should have played Young Joker instead of Heath Ledger.

My favorite Mikes in the whole wide world:

Sunday celebrated TJ's birth, his new pilot and his leaving for LA. There was a surprise visit from Josslyn! We got to see the pilot and there was an open bar from 9:30-12:30.
Steve Heisler gave me tips on how to get double the amount of drinks (at a time) from the open bar. Haha. He was a nice addition to the party, too. I even got to see Thomas Middleditch for the first time in forever!

It was too much fun having all those great people around at once. I was telling Kristy that I dont think one night was better or crazier than another. It was all nicely condensed into one great weekend. At one point on Sunday I wanted to hug and kiss every single friend at the bar.

There are alot of changes going on, already. People are moving in with people you would never expect (Kinane and Cheney? Cool). People moving back home or to LA. It's all good stuff, but I cant help but feel super disconcerted. It'll be a dry scene again, which I hear is never fun.
We'll see. By then, I may be going to less shows and doing more school work. =/

Oh, hey. If you wanna fun portrait done of yourself (if you're a comedian) let me know. I'm making steps to start my project and I want to get as many people as possible involved. The idea is to shoot comedians outside of the standup venues, with each portrait expressing something the comedian loves. Something that might fuel their bits. I have a list of about 22 comics with ideas as to where and what we can shoot.

I like having this camera, it's a great new challenge. I'm learning to take less pictures at shows (which is good) and I feel excited to start other stuff.